
What is FCAT?

FCAT (FORTRAN Coverage Analysis Tool) is used for the Coverage Analysis of FORTRAN codes.

It is designed to working mainly with F90/F95, even through it also works with fixed formatted FORTRAN, thus F77.

Is it going to be of any use to me?

Depend on whether you have access to one of the few commerical products. If the answer is no, FCAT may well be useful to you:

If you are a FORTRAN code developer: Finding out "cold-spot" is particularly useful for code developers during the test stage of their software in either eliminating these "cold-spot", or in designing more complete test suite to fully test these parts of the codes. Finding out "hot-spot" could be useful for developers in optimizing their code.

If you are a FORTRAN code user: both capabilities also help a user in the analysis and understanding of codes written by other people.

What can FCAT do?

Suppose you have the following F90 code

   module sub_mod            
     subroutine sub1(j)	  
       integer j		  
       j = 1		  
     end subroutine sub1	  
     subroutine sub2(j)	  
       integer j		  
       j = 2		  
     end subroutine sub2	  
   end module sub_mod	  
   program junk		  
     use sub_mod		  
     integer i,j		  
     do i = 1, 100		  
        if (i > 200) then	  
           call sub1(j)	  
           call sub2(j)	  
        end if		  
     end do		  
   end program junk          

Analysising this code with FCAT gives you the following report (unexcuted lines are marked with "*>". Number of excution counts are given for excuted lines):

   module sub_mod            
     subroutine sub1(j)   
       integer j                  
*>        j = 1              
     end subroutine sub1          
     subroutine sub2(j)   
       integer j                  
100        j = 2              
     end subroutine sub2          
   end module sub_mod     
   program junk           
     use sub_mod                  
     integer i,j                  
1      do i = 1, 100                
100         if (i > 200) then         
*>            call sub1(j)   
100         else              
100            call sub2(j)   
100         end if            
100      end do               
   end program junk          



   Code a.f90 has 24 lines: 
   9 are executable lines
   of which 2 are not executed
The above is just a simple example. It is easy to use FCAT for large codes by simple modifications to the makefile.

Where can I find more information?

You can read the README file.

Where can I download FCAT?

You can download it here FCAT


Thanks are due particularly to Dr. Robert Allan and Prof. John Reid, for testing this software and giving valuable comments.

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